18th Take photos for cover and pages.
19th Take photos for cover and pages.
20th write article in word format (template).
21st write article in word format (template).
22nd Logo design ideas / logo production.
23rd write article in word format (template).
24th write article in word format (template).
25th Take photos for cover and pages.
26th Edit photos.
27th Front page layout and edit photos.
28th Front page layout and edit photos.
29th Logo design ideas / logo production. Write cover
30th Front page layout.
31st Front page layout.
1st Front page layout.
2nd Front page layout.
3rd Double page spread layout.
4th Double page spread layout.
5th Double page spread layout.
6th Double page spread layout.
7th Double page spread layout.
8th Double page spread layout.
9th Double page spread layout.
10th insert photos into layouts.
11th insert photos into layouts.
12th Write article.
13th Write article.
14th Write article.
15th Write article.
16th Write article.
17th Write article.
18th Write article.
19th Grammar check.
20th Feedback.
21st Edit and adjust if needed.
22nd Edit and adjust if needed.
23rd Edit and adjust if needed.
24th Edit and adjust if needed.
25th Edit and adjust if needed.
26th Edit and adjust if needed.
27th Edit and adjust if needed.
28th Edit and adjust if needed.
29th Edit and adjust if needed.
30th Edit and adjust if needed.
- Why do you think it's important to produce a schedule of activities when working on a production?
Its important to schedule activities so that you don't get overflowed with the different things you have to do.
- Name 3 activities you're likely to struggle with?
I'm likely to struggle with the photos, the editing of the photos and the Logo design.
- What are you going to do in order to achieve these difficult activities?
I'm going to learn a editor to edit the photos and logos in and practice my camera work.