Wednesday, 13 March 2019

NEA Part 2 -Intertextuality Research

Media text - The media text is any media product we wish to examine. Every description or representation of the world, fictional or otherwise, is an attempt to describe or define reality, and is in some way a construct of reality, a text.

Choose 2 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen.  

How and why is intertextuality employed in 2 media products and what effect does this have in their intended audience?

Intertextuality - the relationship between texts, especially literary ones.
DiscoveryBox magazine coverDiscoveryBox Magazine: ages 9 - 12Arts & Activities magazine cover

The intertextuality in the Discovery and Arts and Activities is that they both have bold, interesting and eye catching covers. This would make people look longer and probably buy the product making more money. The covers also both have bold titles and short captions, e.g. wonder of clay, hinting about what the magazines contents will be about. By hinting about the context, readers would be given a small insight into the magazine which could interest them.

In my magazine, I will use bold and eye catching titles and captions to entice the readers and fully engage them in my magazine.

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